Post Office Gallery, Inc.

          As of March 2020,  please refer to 
          Larkin Gallery, Incof Provinctown and Harwich Port
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K E N N E T H    H A W K E Y
E N N E T H      A W K E Y

During his study period, Kenneth Hawkey was fortunate to have had role models and teachers who believed that painting style should come naturally and organically rather than from adherence to a strict structure of a specific school. Although he considers all of the elements of art when creating an artwork, perspective, proportion and color theory are key in creating the style that he has come to be identified with.

His earliest exhibits included fairs, local competitions and emerging artist shows in New York state’s Greater Capital District. After this development and for several years, Kenneth earned his living in various art departments and through freelancing in advertising, publishing and regional theater.

Since 1991, Kenneth Hawkey has resided in Truro, Massachusetts on Cape Cod and has exhibited in several galleries in Wellfleet and Provincetown. He has participated in local and juried shows and has donated works to auctions and fundraisers. He has received two Massachusetts Cultural Council Grants for two series of paintings of historic Truro, “A Journey Through Beach Point,” and “Heritage Preserved.” He has also printed a book of these works that includes an accompanying historical narrative of its subjects.

Kenneth is currently represented by two Cape Cod art galleries, Post Office Gallery in North Truro Village and Larkin Gallery, Inc. in Provincetown. He is also a member of Arts Foundation of Cape Cod and Provincetown Art Association and Museum.
- 1978